The dream of Prophet (SAW) about entering in the Mecca

After passing the 6 years of migration the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had keen desire to visit Mecca. So, one night He (SAW) had a dream that along with the family as well as companions they were all entering the holy city of Mecca and making the Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba.

Thus, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) planned to perform the Umrah with his followers. They wore Ihram at Medina and packed their luggage for the journey with full of enthusiasm.

 As they set out towards Mecca with seventy camels for sacrificing, they were blocked from Khalid Bin Waleed on the behalf of Quraysh leaders. Despite 1400 pilgrims which could defeat Quraysh army, they remained patience by the order of Rasool (SAW). Because the Rasool of Allah-Almighty advised them not to bloodshed because they are entering the holy sanctuary of Mecca.

Since this was the great trial of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) being a powerful One against the Quraysh by Allah (SWT) that what My best chosen Man does in such circumstances? So, He (SAW) became successful to not showing the power and proved that He (SAW) was sent only for spreading the peace and for that purpose He (SAW) could devote all His desires even dream for the sake of Allah-Almighty.

In this way, for the sake of dominance of Islam Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had to withdraw the dream of performing Umrah by signing on the treaty of Hudaibiya.

Later on, that treaty was proved the affirmative in the form of increasing the strength of Muslims and in no time Islam became the powerful religion on the earth.

Thus, Allah (SWT) fulfilled the dream of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not only by gifting him just Kaaba but also the whole Mecca with plenteous of more companions. Eventually, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) won the heart of Meccans not with swords but with moral values.

Today thousands of people go to Mecca considering it the lucky land for the salvation of sins by proceeding the Umrah. If you have a keen desire to visit the Mecca, so the best option is cheap Umrah Package 2019 which will take you more close to the history of our forefathers.

Every Muslim wants to perform the major pilgrimage (HAJJ) but having no easy access he/she diverts the attention into Umrah in Ramadan because of getting the Hajj’s equal reward. If you also have not easy access to perform the Hajj so you must grab the Ramadan Umrah Package 2019 as the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, performing Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj’s reward.

However, there are several people who could not perform the Umrah in the holy month of Ramadan due to its planetary circling in an extremely hot season which they could not bear. Thus, they find the best time, particularly in cool weather. If you have also a problem like the people who have sensitivity hotness then we recommend the December Umrah Package 2019 which will be proved the best Umrah experience.

Moreover, it can be suitable by offering the bundle of winter leaves from education and the most important is that man has much savings in this spell because of accomplishing the all essentials to the family.